Our youth and chaperones joyfully made and served a meal at Central Iowa Shelter and Services recently. See the work and joy that goes into serving others.
Not all Saints were born centuries ago. Blessed Carlos Acutis, just a simple a teen from London, used the internet to share his devotion to the Eucharist. He will be canonized in 2026. Learn more about him here.
The parish fleece blanket project, sponsored by Life After Fifty will take place October 21-22. Find information on the project, including how to donate fleece or have LAF purchase fleece for you by clicking or tapping here.
SSJP's Youth Ministry will serve a meal at Central Iowa Shelter and Services on Sunday, October 13. Youth in 7th-12th grade who are interested in participating must sign up by October 7. All those preparing for Confirmation must volunteer for at least one of the two meals scheduled this year. Tap or click for more information, including links for sign-up and consent forms.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Ann Hart who died Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Also pray for her family and friends, that they may find comfort in God's promise of everlasting life. Click or tap to see Mary's funeral arrangements.
Our holy day Masses in honor of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary are on Thursday, August 15 at 12 pm and 6 pm. Tap or click for more information, including a link to volunteer as a Liturgical Minister. The parish office will be closed on August 15 in observation of this feast.
Life After Fifty will meet on Sunday, August 25 at 4:30 pm for a walk along the river, and join us afterwards for a beverage and/or dinner at Captain Roy's. Tap or click for details.
Any parishioners, high school age and above, who would like to become a Lector should plan to attend this training on Saturday, July 6th at 9 am. We will meet in the church
This June Ss. John and Paul presented SCUBA Vacation Bible School with 100+ children participating in this underwater adventure, diving into friendship with Jesus! Tap or click to view some photos from this fantastic week!