Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston preached on January 22 in Washington, DC, at the Mass coinciding with the March for Life. We must never allow the pro-life movement to be wrapped in anger or condemnation or judgementalism, he said. “We want people to experience the merciful love of Christ.”
“The majority of women who succumb to abortion are poor. Poverty is a dehumanizing force that leads people to feel trapped and to make this horrible choice. The Gospel of Life demands that we work for economic justice in our country and in our world. In a society where the rich are getting ever richer and the poor poorer, abortion looms ever larger…. Pope Francis challenges our complacency and indifference to the oppressive poverty that spawns so many abortions.”
“The Catholic Church's consistent life ethic is a great service to society. It is our task to witness to the truth that love, compassion and solidarity can build a just society that will be safer for the poor, the unborn and those on the periphery.”