Track I First Eucharist Parent/Child Retreat is rescheduled: Families will have three options to make up this retreat:
Thursday, March 23 from 5-7 pm
Friday, March 24 from 4:30-6:30 pm
Saturday, March 25 from 9-11 am
You and your child will complete the stations independently so you can choose any of the above times that will work in your schedule. Jenni or Paulette will be available to answer any questions and practice receiving the unconsecrated host and wine with your child. Please allow up to 45 minutes for this experience, so plan to be here at least 45 minutes before the end time.
Jenni Lihs to let her know which time you will attend so we do not tie up the church space unneccesarily. If none of these options work for you, please contact Jenni with that information, also.
Please note that we will not be able to offer child care for siblings during these times.