For us Christians, the “three days,” the “Triduum,” are at the heart of our year. In accord with the Jewish reckoning of time, the three days began during Holy Week with sundown Thursday and concluded with sundown on Easter Sunday.
Holy Thursday The Mass of the Lord's Supper when Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the Servant Priesthood.
Good Friday The solemn liturgical service when we remember the Passion of Christ, we pray for the Church and the world, and we venerate the cross. We receive Communion that was concecrated on Holy Thursday and depart in silence.
Easter Vigil We gather at the Easter fire, recalling how God led the Israelites "by a pillar of fire by night." We mark the time when Christ passes from death to life, and, as the true light of the world, leads us with the Easter light. Alleluia! He is risen!