We have received a $50,000 grant from Prairie Meadows and a $40,000 pledge from the Knights of Columbus. $1.3M has been pledged towards our $1.4M goal! We have received final approval from the Diocese and Bishop Pates to move forward with Phase 2. Design Alliance will be the architect and Hansen Company the builder.
With Phase 1 at the Faith Development Center, the new social room and teen room are very busy with various events. The youth ministry groups (JYM and SYM) are flourishing and the new spaces accommodate their needs well. The renovated rooms and child care space also serve our parish well. A special word of thanks to Jack Bartels and Tom Lampe who were onsite to oversee the Phase 1 work, and thanks to staff and volunteers who helped with painting and other tasks.
Bishop Pates is happy with our progress: “I was pleased to receive your update on the ambitious plan for expanding the facilities. It is good to know that Phase 1 has provided additional space for your growing youth groups. The generosity of your parish in supporting both phases of the expansion is remarkable: solid evidence of the commitment of parishioners, which will assure future generations can be well-served in a facility adequate for a growing community. Be assured of my support and of my appreciation for your outstanding leadership as it has evolved."
Phase II: 6,000 sf parish hall
Phase II focuses on the parish’s social needs and operational needs. The plan is to construct a 6,000 sq ft parish hall that can accommodate 450 people for events like faith formation sessions, receptions, meals and other parish events. The new parish hall will include a new, larger kitchen. The renovation of the old hall and kitchen will result in additional office space, meeting rooms, music practice room, reception area and hospitality room.
Addition (10,063 sf) $2,050,200.00
Renovation (8,620 sf) $ 440,640.00
Site / Utilities / Grease $ 306,000.00
Kitchen Equipment $ 102,000.00
Pavers for fire access $ 25,000.00
Architect fees $ 190,667.00
New Total $3,114,507.00
-$1,000,000.00 loan
-$1,244,744.00 pledged
-$650,000.00 savings and bequests
Funding needed $ 219,763.00
Stewardship Partners and Resources
Bill Cordaro of Stewardship Partners and Resources (SP&R) helped us to finalize our Building Faith capital campaign fundraiser for Phase 2 of our Master Plan. The Campaign Steering Committee and 6 teams were assembled to carry out our campaign. The Campaign Steering Committee chairpersons are Allan and Diane Zadow.
This is an exciting time for our parish. Pray for God’s blessing on all these efforts to equip the parish for continued growth and greater service.