Help is needed selling tickets after weekend Masses. Look for sign-up sheets in the gathering space.
Basket Donations:
For the Fall Gala, think about going in with another family to create a theme basket: movies, tailgating, music, etc.
Bake Sale:
It takes many hands to make the Fall Gala a success. Share your gifts by making some goodies for the bake sale. Sign up in the gathering space by Sunday, October 20th. Drop off bake sale items in the parish hall by noon on Saturday, October 26th.
Live Auction:
Donate an auction item! Consider going in with some other families to donate something for our live auction. Do you have a business or know a business person who might make a donation? Make a unique and personal donation to the Auction--a handicraft item or a service.
Babysitting, dessert-of-the-month, car detailing are all items that go over very well! The Gala committee invites EVERYONE:
What's the handicraft creation you can contribute?
What's a service you and your household can provide?
If you have an auction item to donate, please write it on the sign-up sheet in the gathering space or talk to chairpersons, Brian and Sophie Wernimont, by Sunday, October 13th. The deadline for all donated auction items to be at the church is 11:30 am on Sunday, October 20th. Any items arriving after the deadline that were not listed on the sign-up sheet are not guaranteed to be in the auction bill. Use of those items in the auction will be at the discretion of the Fall Gala Committee.
Sign up to work a shift!
Give a gift of your time to help in the kitchen, with the bank, or selling tickets.
Please Note! Weekend Masses for the Fall Gala weekend will remain the same as the normal weekend schedule: 5:00 pm on Saturday and 8:30 am & 10:30 am on Sunday! To get involved or for questions please contact: