The Parish Finance Council of Ss. John and Paul Catholic Church is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The relationship between the Pastor and the council is one of support and collaboration. The authority of the Pastor is not diminished by the establishment of the Finance Council.
It has been the consistent policy of the Diocese of Des Moines that a Pastoral Council be established in each parish, in addition to the Finance Council. While the two councils are separate and each has a different and specific role in the life and operation of the parish, they work together for the good of the parish. In our parish, we typically have one or more representatives from the Pastoral Council who also serve in an ex-officio capacity on the Finance Council for the purpose of providing updates beneficial to both councils.
Preparation of an annual budget and reviewing that budget on a periodic basis.
Review of internal controls of the Parish and ensure the submission of the Annual Financial Report to the Diocese.
Preparation and publication of an Annual Financial Statement and Report provided to the Parish Pastoral Council and members of the Parish community.
Advising on matters pertaining to Parish investment funds.
Advising on financial matters related to major expenditures of the Parish pertaining to staffing, facility management, and programs supporting the spiritual life of the parish.
Coordinating and advising on fundraising programs including tithing, the Annual Diocesan Appeal, and extraordinary campaigns related to parish expansion.
The membership of the Finance Council is by appointment of the Pastor. Members generally serve for a three-year term. The Chairperson is appointed for a term of one year and may be re-appointed at the Pastor's discretion.
The Finance Council is composed of the Pastor and the Parish Business Manager, as ex-officio members, and not less than four reputable and practicing members of the Parish knowledgeable and skilled in financial matters.
Our current Finance Council is comprised of the following members