Livestreaming Mass
About Us
Parish Registration
Are You New to the Parish?
Membership Form-Online
Gifts of Ministry-Online
Councils / Committees
Council for Catechesis
Finance Council
Hospitality Committee
Liturgical Environment Committee
Parish Relations Committee
Pastoral Council
Disciple Maker Index Survey
Technology Committee
Welcome Committee
Parish Groups / Ministries
Community Inclusion Committee
Sensory-Friendly Mass
Funeral Luncheons
Knights of Columbus
K of C Scholarship Raffle
Life After Fifty
Parish Social Ministry
Human Trafficking
Seven Sisters Apostolate
St. Vincent de Paul
SSJP Blood Drive
Stephen Ministry
Prayer Room
Becoming a Stephen Minister
Partner Organizations
Altoona Kids Cafe
Caring Hands Outreach
Food Pantry Needs
Habitat for Humanity
CCOF - Habitat for Humanity
About Habitat for Humanity
El Salvador - Habitat
El Salvador Interest List
El Salvador Trip Particulars
Prison Ministry
Parish Events
K of C Breakfast
K of C Lenten Fish Fries
Scripture Study-The Mystery of the Bible
Shrove Tuesday - Mardi Gras
Trivia Night
Contact Staff
Mission Statement
Cancellation Policy
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Opportunities
Parish Intergenerational Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Becoming Catholic / OCIA
Marriage Enrichment
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Small Faith Sharing Groups
Small Faith Sharing Group Sign-up Form
Winter Scripture Study
Young Adult Ministry
Teen Group
Adolescent Catechesis
Adolescent Catechesis Letter from Bishop Pates
8 Semester Themes
Service Opportunities
K of C Scholarship
HS Graduation Mass
Junior High Youth Ministry
Service Opportunities
JP Kidz
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Service Opportunities
Central Iowa Shelter & Services
Senior High Summer Service Trip
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist
Anointing of the Sick
OCIA / Becoming Catholic
Formation Websites
Archive - 2023 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2022 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2021 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2020 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive-2019 Faith Formation E-tools
Archive-2018 Faith Formation E-tools
Archive-2017 Faith Formation E-tools
Child Care
Volunteer for Child Care
Kitchen Volunteer for Faith Formation
Youth Ministry Service Opportunities
Sharing Your Gifts
Christian Service
Christian Service Introduction
Caring Hands Outreach Center
Child Care Volunteer for Faith Formation
Faith Formation Gathering Volunteer
Funeral Luncheons
Habitat for Humanity
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prison Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul
Giving Opportunities
Automatic Withdrawal
WeShare Online Giving
Building Fund-Capital Appeal
Planned Giving-Wills
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Annual Diocesan Appeal
Bishop's Letter on the Holy Land Collection
Time and Talent
Parish Liturgy
Mass Times
Mass Times / Adoration / Reconciliation
Sunday Readings
Liturgical Ministers
Information for Liturgical Ministers
Interested in Becoming a Liturgical Minister?
Live Liturgical Ministry Schedule 2/8/2025
Live Liturgical Ministry Schedule 11/9/2024
Music Ministry
Music Ministry Information
Planners and Music
Liturgical Seasons
Ordinary Time
Faithful Citizenship
Introductory Note
Role of Church in American Political Life
The Dignity of the Human Person
The Common Good
Parish Expansion
Parish Hall Expansion
Capital Campaign for Phase II
WeShare Giving Building Fund
SSJP Information
Photo Albums
Des Moines Diocese
United State Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities Emergency Family Shelter
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Catholic Youth Camp-Registration
Emmaus House
Iowa Catholic Conference
Iowa Catholic Radio
St. Joseph Evangelization Center
St. Thomas More Center
Around the Diocese
Emmaus House Upcoming Events, Retreats & Programs
The Third Option-Marriage Enrichment
Catholic Events
Christ our Life Conference
IA Catholic Radio Events
3-Minute Retreats - Loyola Press
Creighton Retreat Center
Daily Readings
Faithful Citizenship - from the USCCB
Laudato Si'-Care of our Common Home, by Pope Francis
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Other Links
Altoona Kids Cafe
SEP Nutrition Donation
NFP-Couple to Couple League
InnerVisions Health Care
Movie Reviews
Online Store
Saint of the Day
Ss. John and Paul Parish
1401 1st. Ave. S., Altoona, IA. 50009
Contact Staff
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Livestreaming Mass
About Us
Parish Registration
Are You New to the Parish?
Membership Form-Online
Gifts of Ministry-Online
Councils / Committees
Council for Catechesis
Finance Council
Hospitality Committee
Liturgical Environment Committee
Parish Relations Committee
Pastoral Council
Technology Committee
Welcome Committee
Parish Groups / Ministries
Community Inclusion Committee
Funeral Luncheons
Knights of Columbus
Life After Fifty
Parish Social Ministry
Seven Sisters Apostolate
St. Vincent de Paul
Stephen Ministry
Partner Organizations
Altoona Kids Cafe
Caring Hands Outreach
Habitat for Humanity
Prison Ministry
Parish Events
K of C Breakfast
K of C Lenten Fish Fries
Scripture Study-The Mystery of the Bible
Shrove Tuesday - Mardi Gras
Trivia Night
Contact Staff
Mission Statement
Cancellation Policy
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Opportunities
Parish Intergenerational Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Young Adult Ministry
Teen Group
Junior High Youth Ministry
JP Kidz
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Children's Liturgy of the Word
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist
Anointing of the Sick
OCIA / Becoming Catholic
Formation Websites
Archive - 2023 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2022 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2021 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive - 2020 Kitchen Table Faith
Archive-2019 Faith Formation E-tools
Archive-2018 Faith Formation E-tools
Archive-2017 Faith Formation E-tools
Child Care
Kitchen Volunteer for Faith Formation
Youth Ministry Service Opportunities
Sharing Your Gifts
Christian Service
Christian Service Introduction
Caring Hands Outreach Center
Child Care Volunteer for Faith Formation
Faith Formation Gathering Volunteer
Funeral Luncheons
Habitat for Humanity
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prison Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul
Giving Opportunities
Automatic Withdrawal
WeShare Online Giving
Building Fund-Capital Appeal
Planned Giving-Wills
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Annual Diocesan Appeal
Bishop's Letter on the Holy Land Collection
Time and Talent
Parish Liturgy
Mass Times
Mass Times / Adoration / Reconciliation
Sunday Readings
Liturgical Ministers
Information for Liturgical Ministers
Interested in Becoming a Liturgical Minister?
Live Liturgical Ministry Schedule 2/8/2025
Live Liturgical Ministry Schedule 11/9/2024
Music Ministry
Music Ministry Information
Planners and Music
Liturgical Seasons
Ordinary Time
Faithful Citizenship
Introductory Note
Role of Church in American Political Life
The Dignity of the Human Person
The Common Good
Parish Expansion
Parish Hall Expansion
Capital Campaign for Phase II
WeShare Giving Building Fund
SSJP Information
Photo Albums
Des Moines Diocese
United State Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities Emergency Family Shelter
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Catholic Youth Camp-Registration
Emmaus House
Iowa Catholic Conference
Iowa Catholic Radio
St. Joseph Evangelization Center
St. Thomas More Center
Around the Diocese
Emmaus House Upcoming Events, Retreats & Programs
The Third Option-Marriage Enrichment
Catholic Events
Christ our Life Conference
IA Catholic Radio Events
3-Minute Retreats - Loyola Press
Creighton Retreat Center
Daily Readings
Faithful Citizenship - from the USCCB
Laudato Si'-Care of our Common Home, by Pope Francis
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Other Links
Altoona Kids Cafe
SEP Nutrition Donation
NFP-Couple to Couple League
InnerVisions Health Care
Movie Reviews
Online Store
Saint of the Day
Gifts of Ministry-Online
About Us
Parish Registration
Are You New to the Parish?
Membership Form-Online
Gifts of Ministry-Online
Councils / Committees
Council for Catechesis
Finance Council
Hospitality Committee
Liturgical Environment Committee
Parish Relations Committee
Pastoral Council
Technology Committee
Welcome Committee
Parish Groups / Ministries
Community Inclusion Committee
Funeral Luncheons
Knights of Columbus
Life After Fifty
Parish Social Ministry
Seven Sisters Apostolate
St. Vincent de Paul
Stephen Ministry
Partner Organizations
Altoona Kids Cafe
Caring Hands Outreach
Habitat for Humanity
Prison Ministry
Parish Events
K of C Breakfast
K of C Lenten Fish Fries
Scripture Study-The Mystery of the Bible
Shrove Tuesday - Mardi Gras
Trivia Night
Contact Staff
Mission Statement
Cancellation Policy
You can only choose one option, so choose the one you are most interested in. If you would like to do more then one, you can type in the other options below each category.
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Liturgical Celebration Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Lector (Reader of the Word of God)
Communion Minister
Altar Server(4th grade-Adult)
Nursing Home/Hospital/Homebound Communion Minister
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Music Ministry
Music Ministry
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Other Musical Instrument
Cantor/Song Leader
Auxiliary/Small Group Singer
Choir Member
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Liturgical Environment Ministry
Meets the first Tuesday of the month. The committee plans Liturgical decorations and seasonal décor. In addition volunteers are needed to help to carry out the plans. The committee also plans take-home reminders for Holy Days and seasons throughout the year.
Liturgical Environment
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month
Church Decorating
Art and Design
Committee Member
Please list others you would like to do.
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Faith Formation Ministry
Children’s Faith Formation: The Director of Faith Formation needs volunteers for kindergarten through 8 th grade. A catechist helps to plan and facilitate activities and instruction with the aid of the Director of Faith Formation. All adults are welcome to volunteer.
Children's Faith Formation
Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Tweens (grades 5-6)
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Catechist
Vacation Bible School
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Youth Ministry
Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Teen Group (Grades 9-12)
JuniorHigh Youth Ministry (Grades 7-8)
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For Youth Ministry I am willing to help:
I am willing to help:
weekly or bi-weekly
for one event
Adult Faith Formation Ministry
Many activities comprise adult formation in the parish.
Adult Faith Formation
Please choose one that you are most interested in.
Adult Faith Formation Committee
OCIA Sponsor
OCIA Hospitality
Adult Small Faith Sharing Groups
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Finance and Administration
Finance and Administration
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Money Counter
Webmaster/Web Design
Graphics Design
Computer Assistance (tech/programming)
Technology Committee
Please list others you would like to do.
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Buildings and Grounds
Holy Grounds & Building Ministry
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Assess needs; repair lights, small jobs, etc.
Grounds care (Lawn Care, Snow Removal, etc.)
Committee Member
Other- Please Specify
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Parish Relations Ministry
Promotes community building through many activities. Anyone with enthusiasm is welcome to join the committee. There are a variety of activities and the need for many volunteers is great. Commitments can be made for weekly, monthly or one-time projects.
Parish Relations
Please choose one that you are most interested in Please choose one that you are most interested in
Committee Member
Assist with community building projects within the parish (such as Coffee & Donuts, Parish Social Activities, Parish Picnic, Parish Receptions)
I am willing to help
Please choose one Please choose one
For one event
Please list others you would like to do.
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St. Vincent de Paul Society
A Catholic lay society, offers person-to-person services to those who are needy and suffering. This ministry also offers a variety of projects and commitments can be made to help on a regular basis or for one-time projects.
St. Vincent de Paul
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in
Committee Member
Assist with community projects outside the parish (Examples include but are not limited to clothing collections, food drives, outreach with SE Polk School District, Caring Hands and Catholic Charities, pick up and deliver donations to area shelters)
I am willing to help
Please choose one Please choose one
For one event
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Other Ministry Opportunities in the Parish
Other opportunities
Please choose the one that you are most interested in. Please choose the one that you are most interested in.
Welcome Committee
Help with Funeral Dinners
Prayer Chain (email)
Sponsor Couple for Marriage Preparation
Volunteer child care providers for church events (age 11 through adult)
Kitchen volunteer for Faith Formation events
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