Prayer of the Faithful Anniversary Mass October 11, 2022
For the Church, that we may be a witness to Christ's love by practicing charity and promoting justice and peace throughout the world… We pray to the Lord.
For those who serve in elected office; that they may lead with courage and wisdom, reflecting the Church's teaching that the moral test of our society is how the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable are faring… We pray to the Lord.
For the members of this community; that we may find ways to help build a world of greater respect for human life and human dignity… We pray to the Lord.
In thanksgiving for our parish community on this our 39th anniversary that we continue to grow in discipleship as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in word in deed… We pray to the Lord.
For those who have died, and for those who will die today… We pray to the Lord.
For today’s mass intention…for the repose of the soul of Tom Duer … We pray to the Lord.
For the prayers we hold in the depths of our hearts (pause) … We pray to the Lord.