Our Bible point for today was "Even though you're afraid…Jesus loves you!" Here's how this all came together tonight:
Dr. Paws nervously tried to get another weird animal to the zoo – a stink-o-saurus, which was not a good idea!
Bible Adventures with the Wild Animals began with the story of Saul, who was not a nice man to the Christians. Saul saw a bright light and heard Jesus speaking to him, asking him why he was so mean. When the light stopped shining in his eyes, Saul was blind. God sent Ananias to Saul to help him. Ananias was very afraid because he knew how mean Saul was and he was a Christian. Ananias went to Saul, though, because, even though he was afraid, he had faith in God. Ananias laid his hands on Saul and cured his blindness, and Saul was a changed man, both inside and out. He became a Christian, and his name was changed to St. Paul.
The Zoo Keepers also heard the story of Saul and Ananias, and as Christians, they hid from Saul because they were afraid. But they also learned that Jesus is with us always, and we don’t have to be afraid because Jesus loves us.
Wild Animals got to stick their hands into different containers to feel what was inside without being able to see what it was. It was scary sticking your hands into something unknown. But they were brave and had faith in God and found out they didn’t have to be afraid because Jesus is always with them.
Zoo Keepers played reverse tag - a game where one person is not “it” and everybody else is! It can be scary when everyone is chasing after you to tag you. Sometimes in real life we feel like we are all alone and everyone is after us. But we learned that we’re never all alone – Jesus is always with us. And even when we’re afraid, Jesus loves us!
In Imagination Station, the Zoo Keepers heard different animal sounds and tried to guess what animal was making the sound. They also decided if it was an animal they were afraid of. Then they played with a Whistle Screamer, which reminds them to take courage!
Wild Animals Craft time took play-dough and made something, then squished it to get rid of their fear.
Critter cafe served up Fright Bites, that wiggle and shake--just like we do when we are afraid! They remind us that we don’t have to be afraid because Jesus is near!
Service Projects: Thursday’s total for Habitat for Humanity is $241.51, and our total for the week is $842.55! We bought 84 boards to help build our Habitat home! Join us next Sunday between the Masses for our VBS program. Everyone is invited to wear their shirts and join in the singing! There will be coffee and donuts, too! Save the dates: next year’s VBS is June 14-18!