The twelve days of Christmas is more than a song. Beginning on Christmas Day this can be a time of reflection and gratitude for your family. Click here for more...
This month we explored that during Advent, we move from darkness to light as we await Jesus's coming. We are called as Church to be outward signs of Jesus, just as Jesus was an outward sign of God's love. Check out some of the photos from this month's gathering.
Today is the Feast of St. Lucy, a genuine authentic heroine, first class, an abiding inspiration for all Christians. Read more about this saint here...
The Immaculate Conception is the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne. Mary was conceived naturally but God kept her soul immaculate, i.e. free from original sin. This concept is sometimes hard for children to grasp. Use this simple coloring sheet to help explain this Holy Day.
As Advent begins, kids - young and old - feel the great anticipation of Christmas. We should have patience and prepare like Mary and Joseph did for the birth of Jesus. Try using an advent calendar, waiting to put Jesus in the manger until Christmas morning or creating your own nativity activities. Click here for details!