Daily mass for Tuesday, January 29th through Thursday, January 31st is cancelled. The parish office may be staffed sporadically during this cold spell. Please call ahead if you plan on stopping by.
Check out the pictures from our Faith Formation session titled "A Year of Grace". Together we all walked through the church's liturgical calendar. We learned how it is divided into seasons and the role of these seasons and feast days in our worship life.
The First Eucharist Parent/Child meeting is postponed. The Confirmation/High School retreat planning meeting will take place, but the time has been moved up to 6 pm. Mixed Choir will hold practice as scheduled. Click for details.
Don't forget to do your home blessing for Epiphany! If you didn't get a copy of the prayer at Mass this past weekend, you can find it by clicking here.
Do you know that Ss. John and Paul has a St. Vincent de Paul Committee who helps with outreach in our community? SVDP would like to thank EVERYONE for their generosity with our Presence Under the Tree Program this year. Read more...